The face represents the person and a healthy face reinstates a healthy mind and body. Though adequate attention is given to face care many massage therapists feel believe that the face is one of the most neglected areas of the body.
Headaches are a common symptom caused by tight and achy muscles on the face and the head. The answer to such aches and pains in the face and head area is to relieve the tight and tense muscles in the face and head region by undergoing a face and head massagesession.Types of face massages
Different types of face massage include aromatherapy, herbal and a variety of facials that can rendered at beauty clinics, spas or by professional massage therapists. Similarly, head massage is also practiced with various variations such as Indian head massage, Thai massage etc. and can also be customized to suit the persons requirements employing oils such as aromatherapy oils, relaxation blends, oils for arresting hair fall etc.
Benefits of face and head massage
Face and head massage is essentially done to relax the tense muscles in the face and the head region. The strokes, pressure and massage helps to break down and eliminate the accumulated toxins in the body and helps improve blood circulation which in turn brings vital nutrients to the head and brain, resulting in a clearer mind and greater concentration. A face and head massage is particularly known to relieve stress, tension, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, migraine and sinusitis. Other benefits may include better hair growth and improved hair and skin condition.
Moreover, the face and head massage also aims at increasing joint mobility and flexibility in the neck and shoulders, improving blood circulation and lymphatic flow, freeing the knots of muscular tension and relaxing connective tissue.
Most therapists use a variety of movements including application of deep kneading and compression movements over the neck, shoulder and scalp areas. For the face massage, the therapists gently stimulate and stroke pressure points on the face. A typical face and head massage session usually last from twenty to forty-five minutes and as a concluding part of massage most therapists prefer that after the massage one must relax for about ten or twenty minutes. Usually a face and head massage leads to sound sleep as one nears completion.
The face and head massage is a flexible form of massage and can be done either in a seated or a sleeping position. The face and head massage can either be done exclusively or in combination with a full body massage to have a complete massage experience. This type of massage can be done when fully clothed or one may choose to be draped around the shoulders.
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