Toxin in the human body occur due to contamination of food pencemaran.Antaranya is due to the use of chemicals in berleluasa as perosak toxic, poisonous insects and steel to chemicals agricultural activity. Kesihatan become more severe when people take food that contains preservative, taste imitation, additional material and so is the main flap occurred toxin in the body. That is why the disease occurs as numerous tumor, kanser, migraine and sebagainya.Mencegah better than mengubati. Remaining perkumuhan that is not removed and stored in the old body to be able to poison the body of the toxin. If the body does not sihat it be seen from the skin does not glow, pale, pallid and pimply. Not setakat disease, the skin is also a 'dealer' notice whether someone is veiled feeling calm, happy or sebaliknya.Toksin excessive emotions affect you. "The problem is related to the pattern that is not correct pemakanan such as taking a less fibrous foods and drinking water does not cook , lack of exercises and the ubat including ubat to lean. Activity Function Blood. Act as the transportation system of the body, take all the chemicals, oxygen and nutrien (property) is needed for normal body function that can be met and remove carbon dioxide out and the results of the other. Red blood cells take oxygen to the tissue and remove a part of carbon dioxide. White blood cells to provide protection and a lot of action because fogositotik by several cells, can protect tunbuh of any of attacks bakteria. Seepage innards innards, hormone and enzyme dihantarkan from organ to organ through the blood. Plasma protein mengagihkan work pembentukkan tissue to tissue cecair refreshing because this cecair through all body cells and will receive a kenderaan to carry out materials to the various organs removed for seepage. "Toxin is absorbed into the blood are main factors to the various types of disease or illness in the body of man ...." Pemakanan-Kurangkan eat spicy food, berasid high and contains a high-fiber (fiber-tough / rough) .- preferred eating vegetables or side dish, such as village-mistress peanut bottles, king side dish - eggplant, leaf salang, pegaga, petai (sikit-sikit) and so forth (the vegetables that grow slowly). -So also with fruits such as watermelon, rambutan, and so forth .- Sayur stuff that need to be reduced is also vegetables that grow quickly such as spinach, - fungus (fungus that grows mainly after the rain) and so forth .- For the fruit that need to be reduced is also a fruit-acid including cempedak, ciku, bananas and so forth. Fruit has fiber ciku As a rough and long run may menghakis intestine whereas bananas and betik also quickly decay and not-taken appropriate because it is excessive akan rotten in the intestine .- Perbanyakkan drink mineral water and so forth (saranan: 7 to 8 glasses a day ). More good-if you have any Ozonizer have power because it is active oxygen atom.
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