A member Bekam from California, United States, Dr.. Michael Reed Gach in his book, potent Poins: a Guide to Self Care for Common Ailments, was forced to comply with the greatness of medical treatment Bekam a healing to various diseases. Thus he recommends that it be applied in daily life in Western society, after many scientific studies about Bekam and proven treatment is a miracle no gauge likeness.
Similarly, the research by Kohler D (1990) until the self-published book, The Connective Tissue as The Physical Medium for Conduction of Energy Healing in Therapeutic Cupping Method.
Even non-Western medical Bekam only acknowledge the greatness of this. society in China and Korea also has been practicing medicine since this heritage prophet even thousands of years ago many thought that this is their precursor to this medicine.
Once indiscriminately admitted they owned it. Although it uses the terms or names differ, but principles are the same as or metodnya Bekam; suck, collecting blood and dirty.
While the fact that, in terms of language or Bekam Arabnya, al-Hijamah medical knowledge heritage is almost forgotten by the Prophet of Muslims themselves. Keyword penegak this is not empty waffle.
Book essay Shihab Al-Badri, entitled Al-Yasin Hijamah Sunnah wa Nabawiyah Mu'jizah Thoyyibah have made a collection of several hadith about Prophet Muhammad's teachings and his recommendations with respect to Bekam.
Rasulullah SAW has long taught us about the most effective medicine 1,400 years ago. A nutritional healing therapy that has a very unusual and only revealed about the 20th century.
It is also one way of detoxification (remove poisons) that is suitable and safe for Muslims without significant side effects.
Narrated in Sahih Bukhari, Said bin Jubair said from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet said: Kesembuhan can be obtained by three ways. First drink honey. Second, with pembekaman. Third, the iron is hot, and I do not organize my Ummah treatment with hot iron. (Sahih Bukhari)
Second Hadith: From Jabir Bin Abdillah ra it says, I heard the Prophet SAW said: If you have the best medicines at you, then there is the slice tool Bekam, drinking honey, or with fire sundutan on the right disease. But I do not like the REMEDY 'kay'. (Sahih Bukhari)
Third Hadith: The narration of Ibn Mas'ud bete history and Sufism: "I do not walk in front of a group of angels on the night when I diisra'kan, unless they say," O Muhammad, Order of All that thy people! "(Shohihul Jami ' : 5671)
Fourth Hadith: bete narrated in his Sunan from Ibn Mas'ud who said: "The Prophet SAW when talks about a night when he diisra'kan, that he did not go on a group of angels but they ordered him saying" O " Muhammad, nation to Order of All. "
Ahmad also narrated in musnadnya, saying he: "This (Bekam) is the best way of treatment used by mankind." (Al-Bashriyyin: 19237th, Shohih)
Fifth Hadith: The Messenger, indeed the most ideal way medications that you pergunakan is hijamah (Bekam). (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)
Based on the above hadith clear to us that Bekam is Prophet Muhammad's command. Bekam therapy is also highly recommended by people of the sky. This advice was honored as the angels visit the Prophet SAW response.
Bekam advice is gold from the angels to worship the 'headman man' on the night of the blessed. Hence, it is not reasonable if we acknowledge that a Muslim is trying berdolak-dalik or ignore treatment methods that directly down from the sky this!
Was derived from the confidence of these, Darul Irsyad handling course Bekam in Al Hasanah, Section 9, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, recently.
Day course which includes theoretical and practical aspects presented by the manager, Mohd. Gadafi Mohd. Zuki began at 9 am and end at approximately 5 pm.
"Our target number of participants who are not too many that between 10 to 15 people for each course participants want to focus either in theory or practical classes.
"In addition, the amount is not too many, it is easily handled, in addition to want of knowledge is presented easy to understand and create a climate of smooth two-way communication between speakers with participants," he said.
According to Mohd. Gadafi, the course is considered more relevant to society now that is constantly dihambat with various diseases and medical costs are increasing. It is also one way that we do not depend on other medical.
"This is because in addition we perform sunnah prophet, a person is also able to generate their own income.
"I am confident with the determination and such opportunities, we not only produce Muslim entrepreneurs that is competitive, but at the same time produce Muslims who fit and healthy," said Mohd. Gadafi.
He also provides therapy Bekam operating in Jalan Bandar 13, Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur since three years ago.
Some people among us, when called about CUPPING what we imagined in the eyes of All practices that involved only as a horrible picture, incision knives, a lot of blood bowl or cup Bekam meet, the pain is very, exposed to the risk of complications and other diseases, etc. .
Describes related misunderstanding related Bekam sunnah said Mohd. Gadafi, the picture above is one and one and a negative perception of unfair Bekam sunnah.
Clearly, production is Bekam blood from the skin surface for purposes of treatment and maintaining health. Bekam also referred to as a therapeutic process to remove dirty blood or blood that are toxic to the body of a person.
"Bekam believed to have existed since ancient times and as in Greek and in Egypt. At that time Bekam is to bite the skin to remove blood before it is inhaled.
"At the time of Moses, Bekam also used to cure various diseases," he said.
Bekam is one of the ways that medical practice Prophet SAW and his Companions. He Bekam recognize this as the best medicine, whether for treatment (curative) or prevention (preventive) as stated in the Hadith. During the Prophet SAW Bekam is to use the horn.
Now, said Mohd. Gadafi, Bekam undergone progress in terms of method or technique in accordance with the time change.
Patients can make a choice whether to do Bekam cup / wet, wind Bekam / dry, and pull Bekam Bekam leeches.
"In fact it is not dangerous because there is no further use of incision knife but prod method using pen lenset far more safe and clean," he said.
Patients usually advisable to take supplements such as honey, Habatussauda, herbal drink, eat high protein foods to increase new blood, many drinking water and allowed to do heavy work to accelerate healing and effectiveness.
Which certainly, in the words perlaksanaa Bekam Mohd. Gadafi, a practitioner must be prior consultation with the patients do, especially related to health status of patients, making early, telling symptoms that will arise during and after Bekam made.
Practitioners Bekam also strengthen themselves with verses like; Kursi verse, prayer and invocation syifa ', always on the Prophet SAW berselawat, read Surah al-Ikhlas, Surah al-Falaq and Surah an-Nas. This is all necessary because Bekam not only heal poison / toxic in the body but also magic.