Regret is not useful then, massage is good for smooth travel in the blood of the body kita.Urut can expedite the travel of blood and go out on a portion of the sick-and expedite the process of healing. Can improve the circulation of the tissue and stimulus-tissue. Can be help from the occurrence of the signs in the tissue-tissue (Scar tissue). Signs in the old tissue-tissue, muscle, muscle, tendon and ligamen-ligamen going past the old, good massage can disembuhkan.InsyaAllah this good for all.
Sort excitative bloodstream People do not want to be massaged in full because the food took long to hadam Freshness dirasai after the body sorted cause quite popular and became a part of the lifestyle this country and around the world. Sort practice is to use pressure on the soft body tissue such as muscles, joints and ligamen that may bring positive effects to the body. He may be done on a particular portion or entire body. In this country, the development series perkhidmatan great enough to drain most of the large, the existence of the center offers a series of expressions. From the center in order to operate the home keeper to stages such as in the exclusive spa. Even in most hotels, including the stages of five stars in and outside the country such as Bali and Phuket, series offered to subscribers as a value added perkhidmatan. However, the central series veiled as a negative image associated with the sex perkhidmatan Some people object to a visit to the central series. At the same time, traditional perkhidmatan series still get a place even has some weaknesses such as the atmosphere is less wide and not very clean. Some interpreters do not have any ordinal depth knowledge about the series. Sequential Why? Everyone has their respective responses. It's because of fatigue and want to eliminate any claims that can treat a particular disease. Discuss the good order, Committee Affairs Massage Therapy Academy (MTA), Tim Low, who take the central perkhidmatan series and train professional interpreters therapy series, let the good be sequential divided into two areas, namely the physical and emotional. In terms of physical, he said the order essentially increase the blood stream and allow more oxygen to the body was distributed. "The situation is improving respiratory and blood stream and mempertingkatkan overall situation kesihatan. The effect is to cause a feeling of emotional calm and reduce the pressure," he said. However, the series reminds interpreter that they are not doctors or experts therapy that may determine disease subscribers. Explain the massage technique, he said, many ways such as massage stroke with fingers or entire hands. This is done to calm the skin with a rhythmic pressure and the effect of tranquility. Meanwhile, he rubbed technique involves using the movement of thumb or other finger to press the surface of the skin. Usually sequential use of oil to facilitate movement to hand over the body. Without oil, the order may cause the body feel pain. Tim said, aromatherapy oil in the series may change with the customer the feeling Some kind of pewangi can ease pressure, ketidakselesaan and indecision. He menghuraikan some abstinence Disallow sequential such as when the person who would not be sequential in full. "If you eat heavy meals, wait until the minimum is less because it is satisfied, order may cause the blood flow out from the stomach to the heart. If this applies, the food will take longer to hadam," he said. For the women, he said order can not be done for the first three months may increase because simptom `morning sickness'. Sort of a woman needs to be done with soft and elakkan the stomach. "I also do not encourage those who have heart problems sorted because the increase in the blood stream to and from the heart cause the heart to work harder. Dikhuatiri These attacks cause heart disease. "So also with those who undergo surgery for a new dikhuatiri can cause the stitches open and bleeding wounds innards or external validity. Tim said, is actually a series of professional fields to provide good commentary but disalah and is associated with the sex trade with the central interpreter ordinal series depicted a young woman dressed in sexy, but as an interpreter dilabelkan therapy series. "This merbahaya because terbabit young women may not undergo training and kesannya may mencederakan customers. From another angle, it's likely that there are forced to work as an interpreter series," he said. Sort History THERE'S NO who know origin series for too long because dijejaki. Carvings on the ancient Egyptian tomb shows diamalkan this practice is widespread in the community. The word order or massage in the English most likely taken from a Portuguese word, meaning amasser, knead, or squeeze, which is used by French colonists in India in the century-18. This word may also be taken from the Arabic language, the mass, which means touch. Intensity series can be seen when the book perubatan traditional Chinese bertarikh 2.700 years Before Masihi recommend breathing exercises, in order senaman body and the hands and feet as a treat paralysis, fever and coolness. Among experts perubatan Greek and Roman, is a series of major kaedah to relieve pain. Magnificent Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, said sorted every day to treat pain sarafnya. In the West, Pech Henrik Ling (1776-1839) from Sweden, is regarded as the father modern series because he memodenkan technique based on the physiology series. Falsafahnya, not the body as machine, but is something that symbolizes life and human feelings, giving an impression of the West series technique to technique known Swedish and popular series in the world. At 1895, the Savior Sort ditubuhkan trained in Britain to improve the quality this field. Even in 1899, St George Hospital in London have a series of office. In Asia, India in the series not only for the purpose of perubatan. Erotic carvings in Khajuraho and Kamasutra series shows specific techniques may change with the human feelings of excitement and tranquility. In China, students learn and perubatan areas occupied peperiksaan in the field of ordinal and Akupuntur peperiksaan and occupying their memahirkan which aims to treat pesakit. Feasibility of the first rank, hsiu ts'ai seed at the time of the first diploma now.