In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّد وَعَلَى آلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Benefits Of Full Body Massage

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Friday, August 7, 2009
The Benefits of a Good Exercise Routine

The 5 Key Benefits of Body Massages

Massage – Types and Benefits

Types of Massage
Relaxation Massage: A smooth, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, improves circulation and range of movement, and relieves muscular tension.Remedial Massage: A paramedical treatment that helps to restore function to injured “soft tissues” (muscles, tendons and ligaments. In addition, you may be asked perform some activities at home to assist the process of recovery.Craniosacral Therapy Via a gentle, non-invasive manipulative technique, this therapy encourages your own natural mechanisms to improve the functioning of your brain and spinal cord to dissipate the negative effects of stress, promote good health, and enhance resistance to disease.Here are a few disorders that benefit from regular full body massage:Depression Infertility Eating disorders Post-operative recovery Autism Immune-suppressed systems Diabetes High blood pressure Sleep disorders Cancer related fatigue Low back pain Spinal cord injuries When you choose full body massage, you choose a non-invasive procedure. In addition, full massage therapy, which is relatively safe, can be a complementary treatment to other medical treatments.Eases stress because it:• Gives you more energy• Improves your outlook on life• Reduces injury and illness• Relieves asthma, anxiety, and insomnia• Provides supportive therapyOther BenefitsPain Relief: All kinds of pains and muscular aches can be eliminated through massage therapy. It is beneficial in curing rheumatism arthritis, headaches, migraines, chronic back pain.It helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness.Improved Circulation: Its most important application is that it increases blood circulation, increasing life span and general sense of well being.Stress Relief: Massage is a great way to reduce the stress in your life. It helps in curing tension-related headaches.Reducing Blood Pressure: Massage is helpful in decreasing blood pressure in people with hypertension.Better Sleep: Massage therapy induces a sound sleep for some days.Regular massage relieves mental stress. Increased circulation of blood and lymph systems improves the condition of the body's largest organ - the skin. - Relaxes and softens injured and overused muscles- Reduces spasms and cramping- Increases joint flexibility. - Reduces recovery time, helps prepare for strenuous workouts and eliminates subsequent pains of the athlete at any level.- Releases endorphins - the body's natural painkiller - and is being used in chronic illness, injury and recovery from surgery to control and relieve pain.Benefits of Pre-natal massageEmotional support through nurturing touch to the pregnant woman. Improves outcome of labor and eases labor pain, that is it prepares muscles used during childbirth. Helps with relaxation and insomnia A recent study states that it may even reduce the risk of premature births. Improves the mother's sleep and eases depression. Massage by the partner gives him a better bond with the wife and the child. Childbirth experts say that when dad-to-be massages mom-to-be during pregnancy, both partners become more relaxed and more involved with the baby. Assists in maintaining proper posture.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Managing Your Pain in Three Easy Steps

When you are in pain you are basically involved in a dialogue with your body. Your body is screaming for help. At first it is confusing, but once you understand that all you need to do is respond to your body's cries for help, then you can begin working towards managing your pain.
Of course, chronic pain isn't easy to alleviate. This sort of pain, usually linked to a debilitating illness, is a symptom of the illness itself and that may not be curable. Pain resulting from such illnesses is difficult to handle because it often causes other problems, like fatigue (making you less inclined to act) and depression (making you too unhappy to act). But remember, you can manage your pain.
Step 1: Change your mind
Managing pain begins in the mind. Whatever the pain, however severe it is, you need to alter the way you think about it, first. Positive thinking is one way of doing this. Including positive thoughts in your life is vital. You may choose to collect some positive thoughts or affirmations from a favorite book or from an Internet search. You may write these in a notebook or pin them up around the house or say them out loud each morning in front of the mirror. Anything that makes you laugh, be it a sitcom on the television or a funny friend should be included in your life on a regular basis. Laughing does wonders to our heatlth. A belly laugh a day is absolutely vital.
Step 2: Change your habits
Eating well and exercising regularly are also vital ingredients for a pain-free life. Consult your doctor or a nutritionist and ask to be put on a diet. Learn about the types of foods and the impact they have on our physical health and wellbeing. As a pain sufferer you'll find that most physical exercise is far too difficult. But even a stroll around the block is a vital addition to your life. Physical exercises improves your mood, improves your sleep patterns, and strengthens muscles. On the other spectrum, relaxation also helps in managing your pain. Relaxation in combination with massage therapy can help. But even relaxing on your own can work wonders. Simply find a nice quiet spot in the house and spend ten to twenty minutes alone.
Step 3: Find alternatives
Start introducing back into your life the things you forgot about at around the time of your illness. If you enjoyed reading, but now find it difficult to be comfortable holding a book in your hands for prolonged periods of time, try purchasing audio books to listen to as you rest. Always look for alternative ways of doing the things you loved to do before pain changed your lifestyle. You'll find there are many ways to do the things you once loved to do.
Of course, chronic pain isn't easy to alleviate. This sort of pain, usually linked to a debilitating illness, is a symptom of the illness itself and that may not be curable. Pain resulting from such illnesses is difficult to handle because it often causes other problems, like fatigue (making you less inclined to act) and depression (making you too unhappy to act). But remember, you can manage your pain.
Step 1: Change your mind
Managing pain begins in the mind. Whatever the pain, however severe it is, you need to alter the way you think about it, first. Positive thinking is one way of doing this. Including positive thoughts in your life is vital. You may choose to collect some positive thoughts or affirmations from a favorite book or from an Internet search. You may write these in a notebook or pin them up around the house or say them out loud each morning in front of the mirror. Anything that makes you laugh, be it a sitcom on the television or a funny friend should be included in your life on a regular basis. Laughing does wonders to our heatlth. A belly laugh a day is absolutely vital.
Step 2: Change your habits
Eating well and exercising regularly are also vital ingredients for a pain-free life. Consult your doctor or a nutritionist and ask to be put on a diet. Learn about the types of foods and the impact they have on our physical health and wellbeing. As a pain sufferer you'll find that most physical exercise is far too difficult. But even a stroll around the block is a vital addition to your life. Physical exercises improves your mood, improves your sleep patterns, and strengthens muscles. On the other spectrum, relaxation also helps in managing your pain. Relaxation in combination with massage therapy can help. But even relaxing on your own can work wonders. Simply find a nice quiet spot in the house and spend ten to twenty minutes alone.
Step 3: Find alternatives
Start introducing back into your life the things you forgot about at around the time of your illness. If you enjoyed reading, but now find it difficult to be comfortable holding a book in your hands for prolonged periods of time, try purchasing audio books to listen to as you rest. Always look for alternative ways of doing the things you loved to do before pain changed your lifestyle. You'll find there are many ways to do the things you once loved to do.
5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Family Health

1. Get more exercise. If you walk more, and join a gym, and are generally trying to get fitter, then your children are more likely to follow your example. Encourage your children to walk more, or to ride their bikes to school and to friends' houses. Get off the bus or train a stop sooner, so that you walk more, or make a point to go for a walk at lunch time or in the evening.
2. By eating healthier you will help to improve the health of you and your family. You can prepare meals yourself from scratch using recipes, rather than eating lots of unhealthy ready meals and other processed foods. Make sure that you get your daily 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, and try and cut down on fatty and sugary foods.
3. Stop smoking as soon as you can. Not only will it beneficial for your health, it will save you money too. Why not put the money you save towards a holiday or other sort of treat for the whole family? By quitting, and explaining the reasons why, you will hopefully convince your children not to start smoking in the first place.
4. Don't drink as much alcohol. If you cut down on nights out, or drinks with meals you'll be preserving your liver and saving money too. If you have teenage children, they are likely to want to experiment with alcohol. By showing that you don't need to be drunk to have a good time, you can encourage them to drink responsibly.
5. You can improve the health of yourself and your family by trying to reduce stress. Perhaps there are situations around the home that make you mad, or things that happen at work that put you in a bad mood. By trying to work round, or avoid these situations, you are less likely to be stressed. If the home is calmer, then your children are more likely to be calmer too. This will help to create a much nicer homely environment for all of the family.Now you how easy it can be to improve the health of your family.All the best..
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Feel tired when use a computer
Leg Exercises

What kind of leg exercises you do will of course depend on your goal. Are you trying to build massive thighs or heart-shaped calves? Do you want to build strength, increase running endurance or improve balance and flexibility? Are you a weight-lifter, a jogger or a ballerina?
Naturally, not all goals are mutually exclusive. Building strength can combine well with improving balance, for example. Having toned, strong leg muscles helps keep joints stable and improves appearance.
Remember that any strenuous exercise should be done only after a warm-up period that includes stretching.
One of the best exercises for toning and strengthening leg muscles is 'spinning', using a stationary bike. Using an ordinary bicycle is good too, but the exercise is less controllable and involves a lot of other muscle groups.
A 15-minute spin will help tone the calves, hamstrings and quads, improve joint flexibility and (sometimes) reduce cellulite and fat. It's also a great cardiovascular activity so you get two for the price of one when you spin.
Knee Exercises
If you want something a little less vigorous, say you only want to help strengthen the knee, here are a couple of options.
This first one is really good for those who suffer from conditions such as chondromalacia patella. That's a roughening of the cartilage underneath the kneecap, sometimes as the result of the bones not sitting properly in the 'V' of the knee joint.
Sit in a chair, back straight but not tensed. Your leg should be bent at 90 degrees, the thigh parallel to the ground, the lower leg vertical. Tense the thigh, hold for 5 seconds then release. Switch legs and repeat. Do 10 reps for each leg. Easy, huh!
Be sure to breathe normally during the exercise.
Another exercise does a little more to build strength in the muscles that control bending at the knee.
Sit up straight and breathe normally, then cross your legs at the ankle. Push forward with the rear leg and back with the front leg. (A little tricky at first, but think about it!)
Switch legs by reversing the direction of the cross. If the right leg was in front, move it to the rear. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each position.
Calf Burns
Now for something a little more strenuous.
Depending on your balance and the surface you're standing on, you may need to do this on a mat or carpet, or on a wooden floor. Avoid using a cement or metal floor.
Stand up straight, heels together, toes slightly apart. Make sure you are well balanced.
Lift the heels, balancing on the balls of your feet. Imagine a string attached to the center of your head pulling you up. Hold for 5 seconds, and then lower slowly. Repeat 10 times. Over time, as you build strength and balance, increase the length of time you're on the balls of the feet.
Vary the action by bending slightly at the knee while you still have the heels raised. This will bring the thighs (quadriceps or 'quads' and hamstrings) as well as the buttocks into play. Straighten up, and then lower the heels. Repeat 10 times.
Among the many health benefits of strong, flexible legs there is one that is especially important for the older crowd. Many falls lead to broken hips, one of the leading causes of severe health problems for the elderly. A long-term practice of keeping the legs in shape will help prevent this later in life.
Naturally, not all goals are mutually exclusive. Building strength can combine well with improving balance, for example. Having toned, strong leg muscles helps keep joints stable and improves appearance.
Remember that any strenuous exercise should be done only after a warm-up period that includes stretching.
One of the best exercises for toning and strengthening leg muscles is 'spinning', using a stationary bike. Using an ordinary bicycle is good too, but the exercise is less controllable and involves a lot of other muscle groups.
A 15-minute spin will help tone the calves, hamstrings and quads, improve joint flexibility and (sometimes) reduce cellulite and fat. It's also a great cardiovascular activity so you get two for the price of one when you spin.
Knee Exercises
If you want something a little less vigorous, say you only want to help strengthen the knee, here are a couple of options.
This first one is really good for those who suffer from conditions such as chondromalacia patella. That's a roughening of the cartilage underneath the kneecap, sometimes as the result of the bones not sitting properly in the 'V' of the knee joint.
Sit in a chair, back straight but not tensed. Your leg should be bent at 90 degrees, the thigh parallel to the ground, the lower leg vertical. Tense the thigh, hold for 5 seconds then release. Switch legs and repeat. Do 10 reps for each leg. Easy, huh!
Be sure to breathe normally during the exercise.
Another exercise does a little more to build strength in the muscles that control bending at the knee.
Sit up straight and breathe normally, then cross your legs at the ankle. Push forward with the rear leg and back with the front leg. (A little tricky at first, but think about it!)
Switch legs by reversing the direction of the cross. If the right leg was in front, move it to the rear. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each position.
Calf Burns
Now for something a little more strenuous.
Depending on your balance and the surface you're standing on, you may need to do this on a mat or carpet, or on a wooden floor. Avoid using a cement or metal floor.
Stand up straight, heels together, toes slightly apart. Make sure you are well balanced.
Lift the heels, balancing on the balls of your feet. Imagine a string attached to the center of your head pulling you up. Hold for 5 seconds, and then lower slowly. Repeat 10 times. Over time, as you build strength and balance, increase the length of time you're on the balls of the feet.
Vary the action by bending slightly at the knee while you still have the heels raised. This will bring the thighs (quadriceps or 'quads' and hamstrings) as well as the buttocks into play. Straighten up, and then lower the heels. Repeat 10 times.
Among the many health benefits of strong, flexible legs there is one that is especially important for the older crowd. Many falls lead to broken hips, one of the leading causes of severe health problems for the elderly. A long-term practice of keeping the legs in shape will help prevent this later in life.
How to Build Neck Size and Reduce Neck Pain

Participants were assigned to three intervention groups: those who did supervised specific strength training (SST) exercises for the neck and shoulder muscles, those who did high-intensity general fitness training (GFT) on a bicycle ergometer, and a control group that received health counseling but no physical training. Both exercise groups worked out for 20 minutes three times a week for 10 weeks. "The results showed that the GFT group showed a small decrease in neck muscle pain only immediately after exercise, while the SST group showed a marked decrease in pain over a prolonged training period and with a lasting effect after the training ended." The authors then concluded with an important statement: "Thus specific strength training locally of the neck and shoulder muscles is the most beneficial treatment in women with chronic neck muscle pain." This is interesting because it basically reinforced something that I discovered years ago through trial and error. I found that in order to make significant improvements in neck strength and performance, we must utilize some specific neck strengthening protocols (like the ones shown here). Just doing general stuff like cleans, snatches, presses, and kettlebell swings alone won't do it.
Reason #3: Improved Posture and Alignment Even though your spine is classified by three different sections, it's a single interconnected unit. Because of this, when one part of your spine is out of alignment, the other parts also move out of alignment to compensate. You'll never see anyone with perfect alignment at their pelvis, lumbar, and thoracic spine who has bad alignment at the neck. Like the tooth fairy, it just doesn't exist. Sometimes coaches get so caught up with the position of the pelvis and lumbar spine that they virtually ignore the neck position in movements like the plank, birddog, and deadlift. As Paul Chek says, "Your core is what would be left if you had no extremities (arms and legs)." This further reinforces the fact that it's just as important to train your neck as it is your abdominals, back, and hips. You could even classify neck exercises as "core training," if you're so inclined. Now that you understand the importance of training your neck.
Advice On Hamstring Injuries

The hamstring injury usually results in locking your leg knee down and bending may be rendered impossible beyond 40 degrees. Make sure that the athlete or sports person has a medical 'all-clear' before carrying out the exercises. This exercise is meant to relieve your hamstring injury and strengthen the muscle to its past glory.
Causes: A Hamstring injury can be caused due to
• Poor flexibility
• Shortage of strength in the muscle
• Muscular imbalance
• Differences in lengths of legs OR
• Poor warm up procedures
Treatments: Hamstring injuries generally need rest. In serious cases, a rest of 2-3 weeks is advised with cold ice compression and leg elevation. After the pain and swelling caused due to the hamstring injury subsides, a stretching regimen is recommended to rebuild damaged muscle. Make sure you consult a therapist or a doctor before you embark on any exercise.
Recommended Exercise (Bicycle leg swing): Bicycle leg swing is a very good exercise to overcome a hamstring injury and strengthen the hamstring muscle. To do this:
• Stand on your left leg with the total weight on it (you could take support with your right hand by placing it against a wall or any fixed structure).
• Slowly raise your right leg from your hip to the knee, so that it becomes perpendicular to your body (90 degree lift). • Once your thigh is parallel to the ground, begin extending your knee until your leg is straight.
• Now start swinging your right leg in a slow arc downwards and to the back of your body and back again. Once this movement is coordinated slowly, it will simulate the slow stride action.
• Once you can do this at the rate of 75-80 swings per minute, do it in sets of two with 20-25 repetitions each for each leg.
• Fasten the pace with time. After you become comfortable with the exercise, try to do the exercise by restraining your ankle with rubber tubing at knee level in front of you. This will facilitate in strengthening your leg. Tighten the restraint over a period of time to build strength.
Always perform this exercise after a little warm up by jogging or cycling.
Prevention of Hamstring Injury:
To prevent a hamstring injury, one needs to take certain precautions:
Warm up: Always warm up thoroughly. Hamstring is the most important muscle that needs warm up prior to heavy exercise.
Stretching: Once you finish the exercise or work outs always remember to stretch out to prevent any possible hamstring injury.
Hurry: Never try to do too much in too little time.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Healthy Lifestyle and Eating Habits

and eating. There are healthy eating habits or things we ‘should have’ done or want to do in the future, such as start baking our own bread, start juicing fruits etc. Healthy eating has benefits we know are essential such as preservative free drinks or good wholewheat natural bread with fibre and wheatgerm that is known to be cancer and illness fighting foods. Obesity in most countries has come to be due to unnatural refined foods that have all the carbs, but no nutrition, being the food of choice. Hey, if it tastes good, it okay right? Well, how about if it’s healthy and tastes good. Nowadays, healthy food takes time and money to prepare, versus healthy convenience food such as fast food. We have to start asking ourselves the question, at what price will we neglect our responsibility to our families to give them the correct nutrition. We need to invest the small amount of time needed, to make healthy food at home, such as homemade bread, juice, dried foods, canned foods etc. The benefit will become apparent when you realize that you have 6 months worth of food stored in your pantry, without the need to spend money on a daily basis for food essentials, and having saved hundreds of dollars on your food bill, not to mention the convenience of natural, healthy homemade foods. If all this seems a little overwhelming, the payoff is huge and the health benefit enormous. Let me ease your anxiety here. Preparing your own healthy cooking and foods is not as difficult or challenging as it may appear. In a modern society we have more advanced tools and gadgets that can help us prepare healthy food fast and easily. We can buy grain from a farmer or supplier and store it in a dry moist free space which could feed generations or just your family for the next year or two or more, depending on the quantity you want to store. Grain storage has always been the solution to starving nations since ancient Egypt. A handy grain mill will take care of your daily flour needs by easily grinding grain into healthy and wholesome flour you can use for cooking, baking or sauces. Remember to start your vegetable garden in that backyard space not being used for anything and start growing healthy fresh and natural vegetables and fruits for your healthy families daily consumption. You will discover the wonder of fresh produce and the taste they bring to you. With any excess vegetables you could can them for storage and consumption at a later date, eliminating spoilage etc. Even if you have too much, use excess and overproduction for your compost heap which will generate healthy mineral and oxygen rich food for your vegetable garden which will ensure good production and growth for the future. Imagine you can produce fruit or vegetable juices on demand, that will be healthy and vitamin rich with absolutely no preservatives or additives. How about all that fruit you may have that may spoil, you can easily use a food dehydrator to turn that into fruits you can eat at anytime in the future, eliminating food spoilage. You can turn that into jelly or into sauces as well such as fruit chutney.We have an obligation to ourselves and to our families to engage in healthy cooking and enabling our families to eat healthy. The benefits far outweigh the time invested in setting up new healthy eating habits. The benefits to having a healthy family is very important from controlling weight gain to fighting illnesses. Most healthy eating habits are essential to living a healthy lifestyle. Visit us at www.saintsvalley.com to explore our healthy lifestyle products.

Neck,Shoulder,Back-Teres minor or Teres major,Pectoralis major-Pactoralis minor,Trapezius,Latissimus dorsi,Thoracolumbar fascia,Triceps and Biceps-Brachioradialis,Pronator teres,External oblique,Hamstrings,
This is the point where painful in your body.
NECK-For those people who suffer from cervical spondylosis, it can become a real neck pain
as it mainly emerges because of the degeneration of padding with those disks situated in the cervical spine in the back. This type of arthritis in the neck is the most predominant reason of the neck pain and is mostly observed in the elder generation. It is estimated that 75 % of the patients above the age of 60 suffer from some variant of arthritis in the neck. Although the ageing procedure is thought to be the most common reason for such problem, neck injuries occurred previously can also become the cause of arthritis in the neck.
The Neck Supports Your Head I'm going to make this one real simple. Your brain controls your entire body. In order for your brain to communicate with your body, it must go through your neck. If something isn't right at the neck, it can affect everything your brain is trying to tell your body to do (or not do). In other words, your neck is an essential crossroad to your body!
shoulder-There are several structures that can cause a painful shoulder. Injury to these structures can lead to the common diagnosis of shoulder tendinitis or a rotator cuff injury. This is not always the case and the source of the pain may not be the shoulder muscles and tendons at all.Possible pain generators of the shoulder.
The most recognized way for pain to develop in the shoulder is through trauma. This could consist of something obvious like falling onto your outstretched arm causing your shoulder to jam or trying to push or pull on a stuck object. A less obvious traumatic event could be forcefully using the muscles of the shoulder over time and then pain occurs. This could happen during activities such as chopping firewood, hammering, or exercising in a repetitive fashion. The first traumatic event is identified as a macrotrauma meaning it's a large and obvious event. The second situation is termed a microtrauma meaning it's less obvious and occurred with repetitive insults to the muscle tissue. One does not necessarily occur more than the other, but both can cause significant injury and pain.
Pain in left shoulder blade may be caused by some inflammation of the tendons or sinews in the left part of the shoulder blade. Strained and overworked muscles or torn tissues in the part of the left shoulder blade may also account for moderate to acute pain in left shoulder blade. If the large muscle called the trapezius becomes spastic in the left shoulder blade area, then one will feel pain in the left part of his shoulder blade. Spastic muscles may be due to trauma or overuse.
This is the point where painful in your body.
NECK-For those people who suffer from cervical spondylosis, it can become a real neck pain
as it mainly emerges because of the degeneration of padding with those disks situated in the cervical spine in the back. This type of arthritis in the neck is the most predominant reason of the neck pain and is mostly observed in the elder generation. It is estimated that 75 % of the patients above the age of 60 suffer from some variant of arthritis in the neck. Although the ageing procedure is thought to be the most common reason for such problem, neck injuries occurred previously can also become the cause of arthritis in the neck.
The Neck Supports Your Head I'm going to make this one real simple. Your brain controls your entire body. In order for your brain to communicate with your body, it must go through your neck. If something isn't right at the neck, it can affect everything your brain is trying to tell your body to do (or not do). In other words, your neck is an essential crossroad to your body!
shoulder-There are several structures that can cause a painful shoulder. Injury to these structures can lead to the common diagnosis of shoulder tendinitis or a rotator cuff injury. This is not always the case and the source of the pain may not be the shoulder muscles and tendons at all.Possible pain generators of the shoulder.
The most recognized way for pain to develop in the shoulder is through trauma. This could consist of something obvious like falling onto your outstretched arm causing your shoulder to jam or trying to push or pull on a stuck object. A less obvious traumatic event could be forcefully using the muscles of the shoulder over time and then pain occurs. This could happen during activities such as chopping firewood, hammering, or exercising in a repetitive fashion. The first traumatic event is identified as a macrotrauma meaning it's a large and obvious event. The second situation is termed a microtrauma meaning it's less obvious and occurred with repetitive insults to the muscle tissue. One does not necessarily occur more than the other, but both can cause significant injury and pain.
Pain in left shoulder blade may be caused by some inflammation of the tendons or sinews in the left part of the shoulder blade. Strained and overworked muscles or torn tissues in the part of the left shoulder blade may also account for moderate to acute pain in left shoulder blade. If the large muscle called the trapezius becomes spastic in the left shoulder blade area, then one will feel pain in the left part of his shoulder blade. Spastic muscles may be due to trauma or overuse.
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