Types of Massage
Relaxation Massage: A smooth, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, improves circulation and range of movement, and relieves muscular tension.Remedial Massage: A paramedical treatment that helps to restore function to injured “soft tissues” (muscles, tendons and ligaments. In addition, you may be asked perform some activities at home to assist the process of recovery.Craniosacral Therapy Via a gentle, non-invasive manipulative technique, this therapy encourages your own natural mechanisms to improve the functioning of your brain and spinal cord to dissipate the negative effects of stress, promote good health, and enhance resistance to disease.Here are a few disorders that benefit from regular full body massage:Depression Infertility Eating disorders Post-operative recovery Autism Immune-suppressed systems Diabetes High blood pressure Sleep disorders Cancer related fatigue Low back pain Spinal cord injuries When you choose full body massage, you choose a non-invasive procedure. In addition, full massage therapy, which is relatively safe, can be a complementary treatment to other medical treatments.Eases stress because it:• Gives you more energy• Improves your outlook on life• Reduces injury and illness• Relieves asthma, anxiety, and insomnia• Provides supportive therapyOther BenefitsPain Relief: All kinds of pains and muscular aches can be eliminated through massage therapy. It is beneficial in curing rheumatism arthritis, headaches, migraines, chronic back pain.It helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness.Improved Circulation: Its most important application is that it increases blood circulation, increasing life span and general sense of well being.Stress Relief: Massage is a great way to reduce the stress in your life. It helps in curing tension-related headaches.Reducing Blood Pressure: Massage is helpful in decreasing blood pressure in people with hypertension.Better Sleep: Massage therapy induces a sound sleep for some days.Regular massage relieves mental stress. Increased circulation of blood and lymph systems improves the condition of the body's largest organ - the skin. - Relaxes and softens injured and overused muscles- Reduces spasms and cramping- Increases joint flexibility. - Reduces recovery time, helps prepare for strenuous workouts and eliminates subsequent pains of the athlete at any level.- Releases endorphins - the body's natural painkiller - and is being used in chronic illness, injury and recovery from surgery to control and relieve pain.Benefits of Pre-natal massageEmotional support through nurturing touch to the pregnant woman. Improves outcome of labor and eases labor pain, that is it prepares muscles used during childbirth. Helps with relaxation and insomnia A recent study states that it may even reduce the risk of premature births. Improves the mother's sleep and eases depression. Massage by the partner gives him a better bond with the wife and the child. Childbirth experts say that when dad-to-be massages mom-to-be during pregnancy, both partners become more relaxed and more involved with the baby. Assists in maintaining proper posture.
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